The Diverse Workforce Retention Program

Use us to develop your diverse workforce by:
  • Determining organizational readiness
  • Developing a climate for retention 
  • Providing guidance on how to transition and integrate a diverse workforce
  • Selecting a strategic diverse slate of leaders

At your service:

Our Executive Search Division is your best source for a diverse slate of high caliber candidates. CCG has a track record of successfully placing exceptionally qualified individuals with companies that engaged our retention strategies. We know of no other firm in the US that employs the degree of thoroughness and tenacity to help employers place, retain and grow a diverse workforce.

We continue to support your candidate for ONE FULL YEAR after hire and offer you:

• Cultural sensitivity within relocation strategies
• Strategic analysis of organizational diversity opportunities
• Workforce transition and integration guidance
• Minority community orientation

Common results of our diversity search and retention programs:

• Candidates remain employed because they're comfortable in the new culture
• The workforce evolves and attracts more diversity
• Clients engage us for placing a diverse slate of retainable executive talent
• Employee satisfaction with the work climate improves
• Clients report an increase in competitive advantage

Your 5 key success factors:

Our services are clear and simple. We not only provide you with full-service search assistance, we also give you guidance in implementing a Diversity Retention program designed to uniquely fit your work environment. There are five (5) key areas that are critical to a successful Diversity Retention effort:

1. Organizational readiness
2. Organizational orientation and tracking
3. Diverse community/fellowship linkages
4. Infrastructure for diversity support
5. Cultural relocation and spousal placement

We provide you with the full support to build a successful retention program. We understand diversity.

What Clients Say

"Hiring CCG has been the most cost effective recruiting decision that I have ever made!  At a time when we were growing fast, we needed people with a special set of interpersonal skills, be highly competent technically and loyal to the core.  CCG helped my management team select people who were a perfect fit." - Brenda Lyle, Executive director, Family Learning Center.

"CCG brought a fresh new perspective to valuing and utilizing all of the talent that could be available to us in our business.  They helped me build a highly successful diverse team of technical managers" - Dave Miller, as Operations Manager, American Technologies, Inc.

"CCG has been the most responsive firm to help me identify the right type of individuals that we wish to retain as key members of our corporate culture." - Mike Curtiss, CEO of The Heidelberg Group, Inc.

Your best source for a diverse slate of high caliber candidates


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Selection, Placement & Retention


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